Les fenêtres en bois garantissent le confort et la fonctionalité grâce à leur matière très sécurisante pour l'environnement naturel et grâce aux nouvelles technologies utlisées à leur fabrication. On propose à nos clients des fenêtres de différentes mesures et de différentes formes aussi bien pour les immeubles modernes avec de grandes vitres que pour des immeubles traditionnels. On réalise des chassis de trois types du bois: sapin, meranti et chêne. Les fenêtres en bois-alu avec le capotage aluminium sur la face extérieur permettent d'assembler la fenêtre traditionnelle en bois avec la nouvelle technologie.- cadre de 68 mm, 78 mm ou de 92 mm. La porte d'entrée en bois traditionnelle se compose d'un dormant bien solide équipé de la quincaillerie moderne et aussi d'un modèle du panneau décoratif.
Nos fenêtres bois sont fabriquees en Pologne et nous exportons dans le pays de l'Union Europeen.
Les volets roulants en plus de constituer une protection efficace des personnes et des biens, ils constituent également une excellente isolation thermique et phonique.
Adaptable en pose en neuf ou en rénovation, les volets apporteront ou redonneront du "cachet" à votre habitation.En monobloc ou en volets non intégré à la menuiserie. Pour la production des volets roulants nous utilisons des formes et des matériaux divers. Nous disposons d'une palette large en couleurs Renolit ou de la palette de couleurs RAL. Nos volets répondent aux normes européennes. Un large choix de système d'ouverture vous est proposer: sangle, treuil, tirage direct ou moteur électrique filaire ou radio pour un meilleur confort.
Alu-Wood ‘TT’ Windows
A range of Alu-Wood windows and doors is made of a solid wood from the interior side with additional protection of aluminuim cladding on the exterior side of the product. Such a combination of wood and aluminium guarantees low maintenance costs, energy saving, andhigh resistance to adverse weather conditions.
‘TT’ is a symbol (abbreviation) of inward opening windows based on German technology of ironmongery (Turn & Tilt or Tilt & Turn).
What’s more, the aluminium cladding is available in various finished designs – Classic, Rondo, Contour, Quadrat FB, Retro, Linear – that not only increases the performance of windows and doors but also maintains elegant and modern which is associated with wood craftsmanship.
A range of Alu-Wood windows and doors is made of a solid wood from the interior side with additional protection of aluminuim cladding on the exterior side of the product. Such a combination of wood and aluminium guarantees low maintenance costs, energy saving, and high resistance to adverse weather conditions.
‘TT’ is a symbol (abbreviation) of inward opening windows based on German technology of ironmongery (Turn & Tilt or Tilt & Turn).
What’s more, the aluminium cladding is available in various finished designs – Classic, Rondo, Contour, Quadrat FB, Retro, Linear – that not only increases the performance of windows and doors but also maintains elegant and modern which is associated with wood craftsmanship.
We supply windows manufactured from multi-layered laminated woods in Mahogany and Pine designed not to twist or warp. Other woods including oak and larch will be supplied for special projects where the volume is of sufficient size to not make the cost too prohibitive.
Depth of frame :68mm | 78mm | 92mm
gaskets:3 or 4
glass unit :double or triple
finishing inside:Modern | Standard | Historic
U-value for total window :from 1.3 up to 0.8 W/m2K (ask for details).
Traditional-Wood-Turn & Tilt Window
Wooden inward opening windows based on German technology of ironmongery (Turn & Tilt or Tilt & Turn).
The traditional design is based on the time-honoured construction and classic look of our wooden windows. More than 3 different designs are available.
We supply windows manufactured from multi-layered laminated woods in Mahogany and Pine designed not to twist or warp. Other woods including oak and larch will be supplied for special projects where the volume is of sufficient size to not make the cost too prohibitive.
With a variety of RAL colours, decorative bars and finishings, as well as the wide selection of accessories that we have to offer, windows can be created according to any tastes or needs.
Depth of frame :68mm | 78mm | 92mm
gaskets:2 or 3
glass unit :double or triple
finishing:Soft-line, Hard-Line, or Retro
U-value for total window :from 1.3 up to 0.8 W/m2K (ask for details).
forme rettangolari
inclinazioni, archi a 1 raggio, archi multiraggio, cerchi, colture oculari, ecc. – richiedono disposizioni dettagliate
La specifica standard include
Profondità telaio e anta 68 mm (disponibile 78 e 92 mm)
Profilo esterno (alluminio) classico e interno (legno) tradizionale
Pino MICRO, altre essenze disponibili (larice, meranti o rovere)
Tre guarnizioni
Doppio vetro 4/16Ar/4
U g 1,1 W/m 2 K (valore U dell'unità di vetro)
Riempito con Argon
Lo spessore del vetrocamera: 24 ÷ 36 mm per 68 mm
apertura verso l'interno (Anta/Ribalta)
Realizzato in metallo
Colore standard: bianco, marrone
Colori opzionali: oro antico, argento, champagne, titanio
nel colore delle maniglie delle finestre
opzionale: nessuna visibile
Le finestre lucernario uniscono esperienza pluriennale e tecnologie avanzate. Possono essere montati in quasi tutte le condizioni, con particolare attenzione ai luoghi con elevata umidità. Senza alcun ostacolo possono essere utilizzate come finestre da tetto per il bagno o la cucina. Sono caratterizzati da ottimi parametri di isolamento termico e acustico, ottima tenuta nonché sicurezza e comfort durante l'uso o il montaggio.
Eco-Wood-Turn & Tilt Window
Wooden inward opening windows based on German technology of ironmongery (Turn & Tilt or Tilt & Turn).
Eco is our most ecological and economical wooden window system. It is easily recognized by aluminium drip cup visible on the outside.
We supply windows manufactured from multi-layered laminated woods in Mahogany and Pine designed not to twist or warp. Other woods including oak and larch will be supplied for special projects where the volume is of sufficient size to not make the cost too prohibitive.
With a variety of RAL colours, decorative bars and finishings, as well as the wide selection of accessories that we have to offer, windows can be created according to any tastes or needs.
Depth of frame :68mm | 78mm | 92mm
gaskets:2 or 3
glass unit :double or triple
finishing:Soft-line, Hard-Line, or Retro
U-value for total window :from 1.3 up to 0.8 W/m2K (ask for details).
Classic Retro (Fenster Holz 68|78|92)
Diese Fenster werden von den Kunden bevorzugt, die Naturholzaussehen der Fenster erwarten. Deswegen ist der Aluwasserschenkel mit dem Holz verdeckt. Die Stilregenschiene mit Holzverkleidung wird der Rerto Glasleiste angepasst.
Erhältlich sind 3 Einbautiefen: 68,78 und 92mm.
Im Standard bieten wir 2 fache Verglasung mit 2 Dichtungen an.
Erhältlich in Kiefer, Eiche und Merantiholz – in Lasuren und RAL Farben.
Auf Wunsch ist es möglich die Fenster aus anderen Holzarten, wie Fichte, Lärche zu fertigen.
Hercules Alu Turn&Tilt Window
Hercules is a system to produce doors, windows, and fixed sites composed of three-chamber high-quality aluminum profiles, differentiating with high thermal insulation and high stability. It is used both in residential and public buildings (schools, offices, hospitals, banks, gas stations, etc.).
High stiffness provides external, third ventricle allowing to install an additional corner.
Available in any RAL colour, powder painted, with optional wood design.
Id 8000 (Fenster PVC Aluplast)
ALUPLAST ist am häufigsten gewählte Kunststofffenstermarke dank der richtigen Ausgewogenheit zwischen der Funktionalität und dem Preis.
- Stahlverstärkungen im Profilinneren sorgen für Stabilität selbst bei grossdimensionierten Fensterelementen
- In zahlreichen Dekorvarianten erhältlich
Verglasung:3-Fach 4/18Ar/4/18Ar/4 mit Ug 0,5 W/m2K im Standard
Uw:bis 0,67 W/m2K
Le porte pieghevoli in acciaio SlimSteel sono un prodotto senza isolamento. Il profilo sottile della porta SlimSteel le conferisce un aspetto molto elegante che completa e arricchisce perfettamente gli interni moderni.
Le porte pieghevoli in acciaio SlimSteel sono un prodotto senza isolamento. Il profilo sottile della porta SlimSteel le conferisce un aspetto molto elegante che completa e arricchisce perfettamente gli interni moderni. I profili sono larghi 20 mm e sono uniti tramite saldatura garantendo rigidità e durata della struttura. Anche le cerniere vengono fissate ai telai mediante saldatura.
forme rettangolari
inclinazioni, archi a 1 raggio, archi multiraggio, cerchi, colture oculari, ecc. – richiedono disposizioni dettagliate
La dotazione standard comprende
Profondità telaio e anta 70 mm
profondità anta 70 mm (Round-Line 80 mm)
5 camere
Due guarnizioni
Doppio vetro 4/16Ar/4
Ug = 1,1 W / m2K
Riempito con Argon
Lo spessore del vetro: 24 mm (spessore massimo del vetro 41 mm)
apertura verso l'interno (Anta/Ribalta)
Realizzato in metallo
Forma ergonomica
Elevata durabilità
Colore standard: bianco, marrone
Colori opzionali: oro antico, argento, champagne, titanio
nel colore delle maniglie delle finestre
opzionale: nessuna visibile
Triton-72 Alu Turn&Tilt Window
TRITON is a system of aluminium profiles with thermal break design created to perform vestibules, bay windows, windows (fixed, swing, tilt, swing and tilt, tilt and slide) and entrance doors and other building envelope with a particularly high thermal insulation requirements.
The system ensures a high standard of utility and aesthetics. It is used both in residential and public buildings (schools, offices, hospitals, banks, gas stations, etc.).
The system allows you to mount glass fills, aluminium panels, sandwich fillings, and polycarbonate.
Available in any RAL colour, powder painted, optional wood design.
forme rettangolari
inclinazioni, archi e cerchi – richiede disposizioni dettagliate
La dotazione standard comprende
Profondità telaio e anta legno 68 mm (disponibile 78 e 92 mm)
Esterno: profilo in alluminio (per le forme consultare la scheda MODELLI)
Interno: pino, meranti o rovere (per le forme consultare la scheda MODELLI)
Tre guarnizioni
Doppio vetro 4/16Ar/4
Ug = 1,1 W / m2K
Riempito con Argon
Chiusura antieffrazione nell'anta RU e risalti antieffrazione
Blocco rotazione maniglia
Realizzato in metallo
Forma ergonomica
Elevata durabilità
Colore standard: bianco, marrone
Colori opzionali: oro antico, argento, champagne, titanio
nel colore delle maniglie delle finestre
facoltativo: nessuno visibile
SOLO forma rettangolare
Questo sistema di finestre (porte) scorrevoli e inclinabili può essere realizzato su quasi tutti i sistemi di finestre con apertura verso l'interno, indipendentemente dal materiale utilizzato per la produzione (legno, PVC, alluminio, Alu-wood).
With revolutionary Spidertechnology with thermal breaks made of ABS plastic, this system guarantees a results below 1.0 Uw W/m2K for windows. Profiles in this system are composed of the cellular insulation to block the movement of air, natural form, separated by the air chambers.
Spidertechnology allows you to adjust the level of insulation to the specific requirements of the customer, without any complex system changes. To improve the insulation performance even further in addition to the spacers made Spidertechnology, it is possible to apply an optional multi-chamber seal made of EPDM as a central gasket.
In addition, between the profile and the glazing, around the frame, you can also use tape PE foam insulation, thus reducing heat loss around the glazing.
Technical drawing window system – Triton Planea is thermally enhanced with standard dividers and additional elements.
Available in white, one-or-both-side covered, with film in colours with optional wood structure or design.
Id4000-70-PVC-Turn&Tilt Window
Modern system of PVC inward opening windows Turn&Tilt based on German technology and German profiles – ALUPLAST.
Available in white, or one or both sides covered with film in colours. Also available film with wood structure and wood design.
Depth of frame :70mm
glass unit :24 mm 4/16Ar/4LE and Ug=1.0 W/m2K in standard
glazing beads available:Soft-Line, Round-Line
U-value for total window :1.3 W/m2K
The outward opening CASEMENT is the UK’s most frequently chosen timber window design. The profile reflects a proven ability to withstand exposure to adverse weather conditions.
The FLUSH CASEMENT is especially designed to replicate a period window whilst incorporating the latest modern operating and security features. Often called a ‘conservation window’, the design is characterized by a sash that sits within the frame to create a flush finish externally, the perfect choice for listed properties.
The internally-glazed design containing a modern concealed-multi-point locking-system provides high security features compliant with Secured by Design conditions. The sash stands proud of the frame giving excellent gasket compression and the best weather rating available.
We supply windows manufactured from multi-layered laminated woods in Mahogany and Pine designed not to twist or warp.
Depth of leaf :56mm | 68mm
glass unit :double or triple
La falegnameria viene verniciata con vernici Teknos all'acqua, ecologiche, trasparenti o opache. Di serie il colore interno ed esterno sono identici. Verniciamo con vernici di rivestimento e sulle cosiddette macchianti, ovvero vernici che rendono visibile la struttura del legno. I colori base del rivestimento sono bianco (secondo RAL 9016) o marrone (RAL 8017). Altri sono disponibili pagando un piccolo costo aggiuntivo. Non applichiamo sovrapprezzi per ordini di importo maggiore. Il colore del rivestimento deve essere determinato secondo il modello RAL o NCS. In casi particolari, i colori vengono selezionati individualmente.
Presentiamo di seguito i colori delle macchie, ma la colorazione effettiva potrebbe differire da quella del monitor. I colori delle tinte sono suddivisi in gruppi di prezzo e sono presentati di seguito; su ogni tipo di legno il colore della stessa macchia è leggermente diverso.
Fenêtre en bois classique au design retro, offrant les profondeurs de 92mm 78mm et 68mm.
La Version Classique offre un extérieur tout en bois avec une protecion du dormant en aluminium recouvert de bois.
La version Retro se distingue par ses moulures discrètes.
Il sistema Alzante Scorrevole HS è una soluzione per grandi superfici vetrate aperte. Inoltre migliora l'isolamento termico, è funzionale ed estetico. È possibile applicare profili larghi così come meccanismi coperti che possono sollevare ante fino a 400 kg di peso ma anche avere vetri a risparmio energetico con U g =0,5 W/m 2 K.
Il meccanismo di scorrimento (ruote) è nascosto nel telaio dell'anta. Le maniglie ed il binario sono solo elementi visibili.
profilés: VEKA Softline 70, classe A, système avec surface demi-affleurée arrondie
parclose: historique, possibilité d'utiliser une parclose simple et arrondie (au choix)
ferrures: Winkhaus ActivPilot en couleur argent
poignée: en aluminium Elipse 2
vitre: double vitrage 4TM/16A/4TM U=1,1 W/m2K
joints: 2 joints en couleur gris ou noir
renforts: en acier zingué dans tous les profilés, dans la dormant à section fermée
équipement en standard:
-cache-charnières de fenêtre
-bouchons des trous de drainage
-un joint de remplissage blanc dans la partie basse du dormant
-ancres de montage
-profilé de transport
options couleur:
-couleur blanc
- plaquages unilatéraux extérieurs (une paroi coextrudée en couleur marron, en cas de couleurs choisies*)
- plaquages bilatéraux (le profilé teintée dans la masse en cas de couleurs choisies*)
- vernissage 1, 2 ou 4 côtés sur pvc ou plaquage en couleur choisie RAL
profilés: Blyweert Hercules, système avec surface décalée
parclose: simple
ferrures: Winkhaus ActivPilot en couleur argent
poignée: en aluminium Elipse 2
vitre: double vitrage 4TM/16A/4TM U=1,1 W/m2K
joints: 2 joints en couleur noir
équipement en standard:
-cache-charnières de fenêtre
-bouchons des trous de drainage
options couleur:
-peinture en poudre, couleurs disponibles dans la palette RAL, possibilité d'obtenir les bicouleurs
--possibilité d'obtenir une surface mate, brillante ou structurelle
-peinture en couleurs imitant le bois de la palette des couleurs disponibles
-couleurs anodisées
-vernissage sur 1, 2 ou 4 faces en couleur choisie RAL
profilés: VEKA Softline 70, classe A, système avec surface demi-affleurée arrondie
parclose: arrondie, possibilité d'utiliser une parclose simple et historique (au choix)
ferrures: Winkhaus ActivPilot en couleur argent
poignée: en aluminium Elipse 2
vitre: double vitrage 4TM/16A/4TM U=1,1 W/m2K
joints: 2 joints en couleur gris ou noir
renforts: en acier zingué dans tous les profilés, dans la dormant à section fermée
équipement en standard:
- cache-charnières de fenêtre
- bouchons des trous de drainage
- un joint de remplissage blanc dans la partie basse du dormant
- ancres de montage
- profilé de transport
options couleur:
- couleur blanc
- plaquages unilatéraux extérieurs (une paroi coextrudée en couleur marron, en - cas de couleurs choisies*)
- plaquages bilatéraux (le profilé teintée dans la masse en cas de couleurs choisies*)
- vernissage 1, 2 ou 4 côtés sur pvc ou plaquage en couleur choisie RAL